



What do you think of New Zealand? The endless green and blue or the green hills and grass, the flowers of the four seasons. If you are curious about New Zealand and are preparing to apply for a working holiday visa in New Zealand, don't miss this article!!!


Australia(澳大利亚)、New Zealand(新西兰)

Today's focus is on the New Zealand Working holiday visa application!!!


Website: New Zealand immigration official website(新西兰移民局官网)

Time: You need to pay attention to the information on the official website at all times.(注意关注官网信息)

New Zealand Working Holiday Visa (1000 places per year) 新西兰工作假期签证(每年仅1000个名额)申请条件:

  1. The applicant is a Chinese national who has lived in China frequently at the time of filing the application.


  1. Hold a passport valid for at least three months beyond the intended date of departure from New Zealand.


  1. At least 18 years of age, up to 30 (or 35, depending on the country).

年满18 周岁,不超过30岁(或35岁,因国别而异)。

  1. Meet local requirements for health and conduct.


  1. Go without children.


  1. Round-trip ticket or sufficient funds for round-trip ticket.


  1. Never visited New Zealand before on a working holiday visa (nor approved)。



*After obtaining the quota, you will receive an email confirmation letter from the Immigration Bureau: after confirming the quota, you can prepare the submission materials, which can be submitted to the Visa center in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou or sent to the Shanghai Visa Center. Materials must be submitted within a month.


*Passport. (passport valid within three months, original + copy)

护照. (护照有效期三个月内,原件+复印件)

*Certificate of academic degree. (If you have graduated with a higher degree, you only need to provide a copy of the original bachelor/junior college degree certificate + a copy of the original graduation certificate; Bachelor/only high school graduates are required to provide tsinghua certification and a copy)

学历证明. (已高等学历毕业只需提供本科/专科学位证原件复印件翻译件+毕业证原件复印件翻译件; 本科在读/只有高中毕业需提供清华认证及复印件)

*Ielts score (original ielts score + photocopy, BOTH A and G; The average score is 5.5, no requirement for each item; Within two years.)

雅思成绩. (雅思成绩原件+复印件,A类G类都行;平均分5.5,单项无要求;两年有效期内。)

*Deposit certificate (40,000-50,000 yuan deposit certificate, no need to freeze, must be in the applicant's name)

存款证明. (4-5万存款证明,无需冻结,必须在申请人名下)

* Physical examination report (fill in form 1096 and go to designated hospital for physical examination)

体检报告. (填写1096表格,到指定医院体检)

*1027 form.


* Confirmation letter (print and fill in the email attachment)


* Remittance voucher (220 yuan and 50 yuan Courier fee charged by visa center; You can also go to the visa center to submit the materials on site and pay 220 yuan on site without proof of remittance.)


The above is about the New Zealand working holiday visa guide application conditions and the successful application materials required. Interested partners can start preparing early!!以上就是关于新西兰工作假期签证攻略的申请条件和申请成功后所需的材料。有意向申请的小伙伴们可以早早着手准备啦!!

You should know that New Zealand is a country mainly focused on agriculture and tourism. For job hunting, there are not so many office jobs, and the whole country is more short of skilled talents or blue-collar workers.(新西兰是一个以农业、旅游业为主的国家整个国家更缺的是技术型人才或蓝领工人。)


Here are some ways(方法or途径):

You can set up an account on well-known New Zealand recruitment sites like Seek, Trademe, etc., search for the type of job you want, and then post your Cover letter and resume.

(在新西兰知名的招聘网站,如seek,trade me等注册账号,搜索你想要的工作类型,然后把Cover letter和简历投放。)

Also try indeed.com and other niche sites like Backpacker Board and My Job Space.(小众网站)

Website recommendation(网站推荐):

You can use LinkedIn to find companies in your industry, find employees, send them invitations, and connect if they accept. Then you can send a private message if you need to, ask if you can come out for coffee, or simply ask for job or internship recommendations.


This is very useful for job seekers. You can be up there:



(获得新的讯息和机会, 如实习机会, 义工岗位, 业界消息等等)

You can contact headhunters in New Zealand and hope to use their recommendations to find a job.

Employment agencies usually advertise jobs in newspapers or on the Internet. All you need to do is submit your information to the employment agency and if they think there is a job suitable for you, they will recommend you to the employer.


Jobs in New Zealand can be classified by season, if you wish, you can also search the following websites for information.


(Go to New Zealand, we have to prepare many things:

*First of all, we need to bring our working holiday visa and some relevant documents so that we can enter New Zealand legally . (入境必备证件)

* Secondly, we should take enough change of clothes and shoes, as well as some daily necessities. (生活必备物品)

*Thirdly, I recommend downloading a global map for your convenience. Then, take some common medicine with you.(地图必不可少,药物随时预备)

* Finally, it is also important to be mentally prepared, to start your working holiday with expectations, but also with faith, to be ready to integrate into a new environment, to accept the challenges of a new job, and to be resolute in facing difficulties, so that your working holiday will be more interesting.(强大的心理准备)

* Of course, in addition to the above preparations, the most important thing is that you should have strong language skills so that you can communicate better with the locals, otherwise your working holidays will be difficult and unpleasant.(语言交流无障碍)

(Working holidays can train you and make you stronger, broaden your career, change your bad mood or experience, and make some money. However, there are also many difficulties. We should face up to the disadvantages of working holidays, not be defeated by setbacks, and achieve a stronger self!)

  1. Economic income.(经济收入)

Rely on their own strength to earn money, reduce the burden of the family.

  1. Flexible hours. (自由时间)

Working holidays are seasonal workers with relatively simple work and flexible hours.

  1. Expand your social experience. (社会阅历)

In the process of job hunting, interview and internship, I will improve my social practice ability, be familiar with New Zealand, and accumulate social experience through interpersonal skills.

  1. Strengthen your sense of identity.(自我认同感)

Earning your own living generates a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that makes one feel proud.

  1. Kill time and experience life.(消磨时间愉快生活)

Vacation is a long period of leisure time, used to work is to explore a new life, do not let the time wasted.

  1. Paid annual leave. (带薪年假)

In New Zealand, every employee is eligible. Enjoy annual leave and holiday pay. They are eligible regardless of age or nature of work. This includes temporary and part-time workers. (This one is from Study Abroad.)

  1. Make friends.(朋友)

You may meet fellow workers like yourself, or you may meet friendly locals, but having friends makes working vacations more meaningful.

  1. Can obtain the immigration qualification. (移民资格)

The best thing about working in New Zealand is that you can gain immigration status along the way. Immigration New Zealand has announced that it will be open for working holiday visa applications from China this year from 10pm local time on May 19. As in previous years, working holiday visas will be available for 1,000 people. For Chinese workers, this is the best opportunity to emigrate.

  1. Gullibility.(易被骗)

Unsophisticated agents and vendors are easy to encounter, with some paying less than the minimum hourly wage, some refusing to pay overtime, and some working excessively long hours.

  1. Job income is not stable. (不稳定)

Most of them work on farms, and the pay varies depending on productivity.

  1. The risk of sexual assault is caused by changing jobs. (性侵风险)

The "work-for-accommodation" lifestyle is popular among working holiday travelers. Work-for-accommodation is a way of traveling in exchange for accommodation and three meals a day in exchange for expertise or labor to help families, homestays, farms, etc., around the world. In this work-for-accommodation model, no salary is paid, but accommodation and food are paid. Working hours are usually short and you can have several days off a week, so you can move freely and experience local families. It is very popular among migrant vacation groups. However, the news came after a 61-year-old man sexually assaulted a female student who was working in a hostel at Maraehako Bay Resort. I hope you can enhance the awareness of self-protection. (This is from China News.)

  1. Looking forward to divide too prone to heart.(落差感)

Although New Zealand is high hourly wage, but for people who have a working holiday visa, want to find a well-paid low possibility of decent work, were mostly farm pick, hotel waiter, such as work base salary, and the expected good, want to prepare in advance.

  1. Lonely.(孤独)

In a foreign country especially miss the hometown of a variety of food snacks smoke, smoke 、busy streets 、nosiy nosiy.(想念家乡袅袅的烟火气息,车水马龙的街道,人声鼎沸的热闹)

Tape of visa签证类别For the crowd适合人群Length of visa签证长度Characteristic特点
462 work visa462打工签证College Degree大专以上学历Good command of English有一定的英语能力Under 31 years old不满31周岁One yearwork full time可全职工作Can be transferred to other types of visas可转其他类别签证
500 Student visa500学生签证Good command of English有一定的英语能力One year or two yearsNot work full time不可全职工作Accumulate conditions for immigration application为移民申请积累条件
476Australian recognized overseas graduate visa476澳洲认可海外毕业生签证Engineering graduates only, graduated within two years仅限工程毕业生,须在两年内毕业High English level英语水平较高A half yearwork full time可全职工作Can be transferred to other types of visas可转其它类别签证Accumulate conditions for immigration application
482Employer’s guarantee482雇主担保Existing Australian employers已有澳洲雇主At least two years related working experience至少两年相关工作经验Two to four yearswork full time可全职工作Transferable 186 employer guaranteed permanent residence visa可转186雇主担保永居签证
491State sponsored visa in remote areas491偏远地区州担保签证High English levelMany years of working experience with high technical content有多年技术含量较高的工作经验Five yearswork full time可全职工作Enjoy the same benefits as permanent residence享受与永居同等福利待遇

That's all for today. I hope the above introduction is helpful to those who want to apply for New Zealand working holiday visa. Thank you!





Outside the net外聘网


( zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39

知乎《新西兰打工签证全攻略》——Lonely Planet

( zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38)


出国留学网: m.liuxue86.com/k_%E6%96





以上的所有内容为小组成员共同完成,小组成员有:Chen、Zhang、Yang、Meng、Li and Lei.

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